- Temp: low 40’s
- Playlist: Micheal Buble, That Thing You Do, Cold Play, Blood Sweat and Tears
- Cranberry Watershed, Kingston
- Total miles: 6.8
Cranberry Watershed is a conservation area created in conjunction with Kingston Conservation and the the State of Massachusetts. It consists of a mere 240 acres but there is a lot more private land adjacent with out any “no trespassing” signs”. Cranberry bogs abound with a few ponds. A lot of the bogs are old and have new growth of trees and shrubs.

I have been here several times before. Today I found some side trails and being adventurous decided to explore. Ended up not knowing where I was until looking at the All Trails map. Had to walk a mile or so on the road to connect to the Bay State Circuit Trail and get back on track. Some ponds had ice some not. Saw a lot of ducks on the open water.

Long shallow pond Reeds Mill Pond had some sort of mill on it at one time. It empties into Pine Brook which meanders and empties into the Jones River

At some point in the past most likely there was a house somewhere close. These are the Yucca plant which will have a plume of white flowers. Likes dry well drained soil, easy to grow.

Something didn’t make it. Could be natural causes or maybe a coyote or even another bird such as a hawk. What ever someone had a good meal. Nature.