- Temp: low 30’s
- Playlist: Wife talking π
- Forge Pond Trail leading into Colby Philips Trail, West Hanover
- Miles: 6
- Total time: 3hrs 8min
Forge Pond Trail starts at the Forge Pond Park which was at one time a big ass corn field back when there were dairy farms in the area and then for eating corn. Wisely it was purchased by the town of Hanover which turned it into a recreation area including many ball fields and a nice paved walking trail.
Important note: this summer, 2020 they will be hosting South Shore Food Truck Association on Tuesday’s. Food trucks, how can you go wrong?

Found a few other trees decorated while walking this Winter. Only can hope that the decorator clears them out before the the 4th of July.

Woodpecker hole in a old dead tree the will provide a nesting spot.

The stones have been restored not to original condition but to acceptable condition. The cemetery includes the Darling family

Very nice river, the Drinkwater, after a small walk from the park. I sure would not want to be drinking out of it. Looks like you might be in the wilderness.

Small brook crossing. Looks as she is freaked out but to the contrary just she’s pissed that I won’t let her swim across.

Our grand dawg at her best. The bridge crosses the the Drinkwater River. Ellie who has never seen water she doesn’t like managed to sneak in for a swim even with the temperature near 25.