- Temp: High 40’s
- Playlist: That Thing You Do, Glen Miller, Sam The Sham and The Pharaoh’s
- Ames Nowell State Park
- Miles: 3.9
- Total time: 1hr 57min
Really getting to love this place. So many trails to explore. Because it it is still Winter there is not a lot of color and I am waiting for Spring as I’m sure everything will change.

I will often take a small break not only to relax but to take in the wonder of the surroundings. Seems the older I get the more I enjoy the ambience of nature

Either the tree has grown or the guy putting it up had a long ladder.

Love to see any color this time of year

After a few nights of cold the pond has frozen over. The ice is on it’s way out and you can tell from the color. Although it shows up blue in the picture from the sky above it’s really a color of grey. With experience you can tell from the color weather you want to walk on it.

Did a little research and it seems some guy in the 1920’s bought the land surrounding the damn to do market hunting unlawfully (asshole) and wanted to change the name of it. It was in 1918 that congress enacted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.