- Temp: mid 50’s, partly cloudy
- Playlist: Diane tagging along today
- Bog walk
- Miles: 7
- Total time: 3hrs 24min
Darrell’s and Grace away we walked to their house to pick up the grand dawg and then to the bog.
Beech trees have the ideal bark to leave your initials. In this case it’s a eye and brow. Beech are found on high ground away from wet and usually in groves. They produce a nut, small triangular shape and ripen in the early fall. Beech trees may hold their leaves through the winter. When you find a grove most likely there will be initials from past lovers. One would wonder if the romance held through the years or they may still be lovers but on the side…… if you get my drift 🙂
The two ladies lead the way, but not sure which lady is leading.
Ellie, sometimes known under the alias Ellie_the_brew_dog on Instagram never misses the chance to take a swim.
This deer didn’t make it. Looks as though coyotes may have had a feast from missing bones
Not bragging but we make a nice couple.